Friday, June 12, 2020


     It all started the other night. When Pru wanted to go to the beach. I was like, "sure, it's been awhile since we have. Lets go and soak up the sun." We get to the beach find a sweet spot by the water. Laid out our towels, pushed the bag into the sand, and took off our sandals. I look up and she's disappeared. I turn all the way around trying to spot her, then I here. "Babe...BBAABBEE Over Here!" She's standing next to the surfboard rentals. Mind you I've only tried surfing once, it didn't go very well. She talked me into it, that girlfriend of mine. Pru could probably talk me into just about anything, to be honest. That's just what she did. Going on and on about those old beach movies. How she always liked the part when you see the couple surfing on the boards together. Yup she talked me into it all right. There we go out into the middle of the ocean trying to catch a wave. Me hoping neither of us could ever stand up on the board together. Wishful thinking, I tell ya. Cause before I know it, it happened, we're both up, and keeping our balance. Then out of no where Pru's climbing up on my back, then my shoulders. "What are you doing?" I say. All I hear is her screaming and yelling. Then her hands are all over my face trying to hold on like some scared cat clinging to a log in a lake. I'm yelling "My Eyes!  EYE, III...Can't SEEE!!!" Pru's yelling for Help like a mad woman. Finally it comes to an end as the surfboard hits the breakwater and we both fall off into the foam. She quickly, crawls to shore, panting, and coughing a bit. I stand up grab the board, dragging it to shore. Then she looks back over her shoulder and starts in. "Why did you make me do that? That was terrifying. Don't ever talk me into something like that again." We banter back and forth about it for awhile. Looking like an old married couple I'm sure. I saw a couple of the surfers laughing at us, at one point. After that Pru didn't wanna stay much longer. At least we looked good in our new suits, for the short time we were there.
     The bikini Pru is wearing and the board shorts I got on are from Mishmash Fusion. They will cost you just $2L if you can find  the little surfboard. Also the pose we're using is from Something New. These prizes/gifts are part of the Surf into Summer 4 Hunt. You got until June 21st to go find them. Well worth it, if you skip the pose and just go to the beach. Unless of course you want your girl to poke your eye out. Granted my eyes, survived our little adventure. Good thing too, cause I still got a couple more thing to hunt down for this hunt. Aloha

Details Below

You can find Pru's Details at the FabFree Blog

Head: Catwa  - Dude
Body: Belleza - Jake
Skin: Stray Dog - Urie Tone 04
Hairbase: : Not Found   - Robert
Hair: Vango - Owen

Shorts: Mishmash Fusion - Aloha Swim Trunks (Surf into Summer gift: Hint - Bridge Over Troubled Water)
Mesh Sizes: Adam, Aesthetic, Belleza, Gianni, Slink, TMP
Standard Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, Alpha

Pose:  Something New -  Wipe Out! (Surf into Summer gift: Hint - Surf is up!)

Picture taken at Kanaloa Surf Beach


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