Monday, January 13, 2020


     There are times when you just want a nice quiet weekend. Why not take in some art and gain a little culture during your down time. I find it very calming walking through a quiet all most empty museum and taking in the art. I like to dress casually comfortable while doing so. I pulled on these patchwork jeans from GUTCHI. Which are only available in Gianni, Geralt, and Belleza Jake sizes. They are one of several group gifts the store has out right now. The group has a join fee of only 50L. Then I tossed on this pink tee and knit backpack from LOB. This tight, fashionable comfortable tee is also a free group gift you can get your hands on too. It comes in three mesh sizes, Belleza Jake, Gianni, and Legacy. Along with a 12 Colour changing HUD for the shirt and the backpack. As always the LOB group if free to join. Yes the Merc Kicks I got on can be yours for free if you wait around long enough at Rebellion for your letter to pop up on their group lucky letter boards. While your waiting for your letter to pop you can be lucky enough to get the watch I'm wearing also. It too is one of the lucky letter gifts. The Rebellion group is free to join and these kicks and watch are well worth camping the lucky letter boards to get. They both come with a colour changing HUD so you can match them to most, if not all your outfits.
      While I'm being a museum-goer I like to listen to classical or slow jazz music. It makes the art that much more enjoyable to me. Then there are times I pull my headphones off sit in the gallery and just take in the admirable pieces of art that surround me. If you can't find time in the real world to get to a museum, You can visit the one in my picture here in Second Life. The Museum on Fine Arts here in Second Life is a wonderful place. All the works of art are actually works of art in real life. That they have scaled to size, as the real pieces of art. All except the pieces that are too small they have made larger so you can fully appreciate them. I liked this place so much that I'm going to take my girlfriend Pru to it the next time I get the chance. If there is every a time your want to look fashionable comfy and take in some art. You now have the outfit and place to go. Until next time enjoy the freebie finds I have found.

Details below

Head: Catwa  - Dude Bento head V4.5
Head Applier: Catwa- Male Skin HUD(Group Gift: Group Free to Join)
  Clef de Peau T3
Body Applier: Clef de Peau - T3 tight
Eyes: AG. - Reverie Eyes - Sky
Body: Belleza  - Jake
Hair: VoltHair - Derrick Hair
Facial Hair: Nivaro - 3 day stubble

Glases: Sintikila - Alex Glasses
Headphones: GCD (Grimes Central Design)  -  Pro DJ Headphones (10L on MP)
Watch: Rebellion- Magnus Cuff Watch (Group Lucky Letter gift - Group is free to join)

Shirt: LOB - Match Shirt (Group Gift: Group Free to Join)
   Mesh Sizes: Gianni, Belezza Jake, and Legacy
   Coolours: 12 Colour changing HUD
Jeans: GUTCHI - Stylized Denim (Group Gift: Group 50L to Join)
   Mesh sizes: Belleza Jake, Geralt, and Gianni
Shoes: Rebellion - Merc Kicks (Group Lucky Letter gift - Group is free to join)
   Sizes: Mesh -  Slink Male/Female Flat
             Classic size
   Colour: HUD to change leather, laces, Eyelids, and Sole

Pose: The OWL - Static Male Poses #25 (Pose #25/2)

Pick taken at Museum on Fine Arts