Thursday, May 2, 2024

Ogham Grove


     Yes, it's me again Blue and I'm back to tell you more about the Fairelands. When entering Ogham Grove my camera woman Al and I. Ended up above the land on a rock formation linked together by rope bridges. Don't get me wrong the sights were beautiful from up there and the sun felt great. How on Earth did we end up here? We crossed a couple of bridges going from one rock formation to the next. As we're crossing another bridge, we hear this sound of things whizzing past us from above. I hear Al let out a slight scream as an arrow grazes her arm. Then out of thin air we here what sounds like a battle. We stop briefly on the bridge to try and tend to Al's wound. When there's this grunt like muffled scream followed by a man falling from the sky. As he passes it seems to play in slow motion. It's a warrior riddled with arrows going pass our bridge and towards the ground. I instinctively looked up, my mind trying to fathom where he came from. I felt the bridge shift and I grabbed Al just before she's about to go over the side.

     We finally made our way to the forest floor into a stream of walking people. Snaking through them down a path there's a break in the forest. Here it is we find a down log to sit on. Almira slips off her jacket so we can get a better look at her wound. She runs her hand over her upper arm pushing her sleeve up. There is nothing there, not even a scratch. How could this be and where did it go? A passing Druid woman stopped to talk to us, introducing herself as Bodhmall.  She told us of how a mere touch from some Elven woman can heal such small wounds. That is most likely what happened as we made our way through the people.  We recounted the events of what just happened to her. Bodhmall looked at us and smiled. Telling us not to worry, that the veil between worlds can sometimes be thin in spots. She'll contact the right people, so they can reenforce the veil where needed.  I look at Al and said, now you don't have to worry about a house fallen on you. She rolls her eyes and smacks my arm. "haha haha you're so funny." She hates my Wizard of Oz jokes when it comes to her. I can't help it after all her name is Almira.  Her built and gait are very similar to the actress who played the part in that film. 

      As for Ogham Grove, we enjoyed the rest of our stay. Bodhmall, gave us a tour of the beautiful forest woods. Where the little critters ran around freely. Some of them even stopping to talk to us. Bodhmall translated, we had a wonderful conversation with a jackalope. Who was very curious of where we came from and if critters like him existed in our world. Ogham Grove is a captivating place full of lively creatures and friendly beings. They also have a very bustling shopping district. Where beings and creatures come from far and wide to spend their coin. As for Al and I, time to get back to our world. Maybe she'll take out the broom and gets us home faster. "Hey I heard that!" Al, udders from the background. Until our next adventure in the Fairelands. Peace everyone.

These items can be found at Fantasy Faire until May 7th

Forehead add on: Achroma - Karnys Eyes (In World Store)
Achroma - Karnys Eyes Forehead Black 

eyemakeup: XS Primal - EvoX Thunder Veins - 1 - Black (In World Store)

Eye Makeup: Eagle Designs Clothing & Weapons -  BOM EVOX Ancestral - 1 (In World Store)
Quiver: Eagle Designs Clothing & Weapons- RANGER TARGET BOW v1.0 -QUIVER- Oak

Chest Armor: RKS - Armour Andrik (In World Store)
Shirt:  RKS - Tunic Andrik 

Knives: Oblivis - Artifact Rainbow Obsidian Dagger Hips and Holdable (In World Store)

Head:  LeLutka - Quinn
Face Skin: Not Found - Eddie Skin Medium 
Hairbase: EAGLELUX  - Tristan Hairbase
Hair: Meli Imako - Full Perm Mesh Ragnar Viking Hair and Beard
Facial Hair: Mister Razzor - Artie Facial Hair 
Body: Signature -Gianni Body v6.1
Arm Tattoo: N.Z Creation - Maori Gang

Arm Bands: The Forge - Traveller's Bracer
Shoes: Lindy - DrudaC Dusk 

pose - Hazy Doll - Fallen 01 (No longer Available)


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