The other night I wandered into a place dark and dreary. Not gonna lie a little bit scary. I could hear footsteps but could not see any one through the fog. All I heard on this bone chilling breeze was Ondheim. I believe that is where I was in the Fairelands. Milling around this darken land, only a glow with telaish green lights. Al abruptly stopped, I walked right into her. As I looked over her shoulder the ground shook. A man? Flames all around him, magical staff in hand. Doing what looked like a Black Widow marvel landing. This was no man, Horns protruding from his head, dragon scales covering his body, and eyes all a white, void of any colour. Al walking backwards against me. She turned quickly walking past me. "Nope, nuh un, not doing that, I don't get paid enough." I followed after her and grabbed her shoulder. She shook me off and kept going. That was the only glimpse we got of this man, person, devil, demon. At least Al got a photo before she made, well we made a beeline out of there. I am sure Ondheim is a great place for some, and many may enjoy it. What can I say it wasn't for us. With all honesty, we're just two, big scaredy cats. If you're brave enough to dive into it, hit me up. I'd like to hear all about it. Until next time peeps.
These items can be found at Fantasy Faire until May 7th
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