Hello and welcome back it's Blue the bold and sometimes humorous. Today I've traveled to the deep depths of the sea. Visited the Fairelands known as Thunnus Bay and The Last Stop. In the oceans of Thunnus Bay it's like ruins of Atlantis or some long lost sunken city. Here I came upon fish that swam up right, mermaids, several types of species that looked like humanoids but weren't.
As I continued my exploration I found The Last Stop, another underwater place. At first it gave me chills and no, it wasn't because the water was cold. Perhaps it had more to do with the fact it was unabandoned underground tunnels. My mind couldn't help but start running through horrors movies. The movie IT, came first and foremost in my mind. I was expecting to hear Pennywise say "We all float down here Blue." I continued on and discovered a wonderous place, with schools of fishes, coral reefs, and more creatures I've never seen before. There was this one guy, well man, more of a merman to be exact. That I had saw in Thunnus Bay and now here. Was he following me? Or.......Oh no he's walking this way. Play it cool, act like you don't see him, or haven't seen him before. Here he comes making a beeline right for me. What will I say? Will he understand me? Will I be able to understand him?
"Why hello there. Didn't I just see you at Thunnus Bay as well?" He asked sounding like Mr. Limpet. Oh, yes, I was there a bit ago. I'm Blue, it is nice to meet you. You are? "You can call me Mur." I looked at him a little confused. Well yeah, you're a Merman so doesn't everyone call you Mer? "No, no it's not Mer, it's Mur." Ok Mer the merman, you got it. He shook his head and gives me a big bluster No, spraying like Rugor Nass. "No my name is Mur, short for Murry." OOoohh, all right Mur, I got it now. Mur and I spent the next hour talking away about all sorts of stuff. He's a very go with the flow type of guy. He was all so kind enough to let me snap a photo of him to share with all of you. So if you come across Mur the merman. That's Mur not Mer be sure to say hello. Until next time internet peeps. This is Blue signing off.