Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Slasher Victim


     With all the horror movies on this time of year. How can you not wanna be in one. I'm sure a lot of your out there want to be the hero of these flicks. Show those big bad killers, monsters, or creatures what's up. Give them the real ass kicking they deserve. Or maybe you're one of those people who rather be the knife slashing, ax chopping, chainsaw wielding murderer. As for me I think it would be awesome to play the victim. Get all hacked up, slashed up, die in some real horrid, grotesque way. Sit in the make up chair for hours while they work their movie magic on you. Putting on all that makeup, silicone prosthetics, and blood for the part. I brought my slasher victim look to life here in Second Life. Far more easier then having to spend all those hours in a makeup chair. I was able to accomplish this look with a couple of great group gifts that you can get your hands on right now. My tank top if from Elemen's it is their Halloween group gift. It comes in the grey blood style I'm wearing and also black with a white skull graphic. I The other group gift is from La Malvada Mujer it's the bloody looking throat slash. Both of these are free. Just teleport on over to each store and join their store's free group and grab them. Also the slashes and cuts on my arms and under my top are from Venge. You can get it free at their booth for the Trick or Treat Lane Event. You can use them together like I did. Or make up your own imaginative way to use them. As for me I think I'll get back to watching some horror movies and still be wishing I was the victim. 

Details below

Head: Catwa - Dude
Body:  Belleza - Jake
Skin: 7 Deadly Skins - SAM Clay 
Hairbase: Not Found  - Ben
Hair: KUNI - Nelson

Venge  - Bloody Slash tint (Free Trick or Treat Lane - until Nov.1st)
MeshMafia - Luck Boss Face Bundle 
Psycho Byts - Madness Exorcism Set - Scars
La Malvada Mujer - Dominique / red (Free Group Gift: Group Free Join)
 In Colours: Black, Green, and Red
 Omega Appliers

Shirt: ELEMEN'S - Halloween Tank Top - Grey (Free Group Gift: Group Free Join)
 Mesh Sizes: Belleza Jake, Legacy, Gianni

Pants: Kalback - Casual Jeans Dark 
Shoes: Native - Revealed Sneakers


Pose in prop: Botanica  - Ax murder scene with mesh ax

Backdrop: Anxiety - devoted (bloody)

Picture Taken at - Backdrop City